The responsible way to your adventure mean:

PROTECTING & CONSERVING: natural mountain-scape, every natural resource, flora & fauna.

RESPECTING: local culture – traditions, religions and built heritage where you visit.

BENEFITTING: with your visit you will generate a job opportunities for local communities.

MINIMISING POLLUTION: taking-out our trash during the trek or climb expeditions all litter is remove to the city for it properly recycled. We use specified spots to put on our toilets tents at the camping areas to don’t pollute the water resource.

Please help us to practice a responsible & sustainable travel your challenge & collaboration is important

Our service is focused on providing highly personalized, quality service to our client’s. All our trip programs are fully guided and accompanied by well-trained mountain team to ensure your holiday become in life-time experience.

Andes adventure holidays offers a variety of adventure trip programs from day tours, acclimatization hikes, multi-day treks, trekking and climbing expeditions, mountaineering expeditions into the Cordillera blanca & Huayhuash.

We offer Extra service as: booking of hotel or hostal in Huaraz for accommodation, booking bus ticket to transfer from (LIMA – HUARAZ – LIMA) round trip with three well-known and reliable bus companies in the region include Cruz del Sur, Movil Tours & oltursa with very modern and comfortable bus service. Entrance fee tickets into the national parks and Museums. We manage all your domestic booking so as to make your holiday easy and enjoyable.

Ultimate Value
When you book one of our tours, acclimatization hikes, multi-day treks, & climbing expeditions, you will receive currently information, quality services at the best prices with plenty of inclusions & exclusion cost. This trip offers exceptional value money, ensuring your holiday with affordable rate and guaranteeing with centrally good quality hotels, private transportations, official bilingual local guides with international certification (UIMLA), (UIAGM) both organizations are internationally recognized, each guide has been selected on base of their experience, safety, high knowledge and leadership skills. Good varied and fresh food for adventure expeditions, all your national park entrance fees and permits included, no hidden cost, no surprises and no staff exploit.

Mountain cooks
Our Mountain cooks are well trained with extensive knowledge & experts in their area. They prepare fresh varied meal dishes providing superb personalized service during our trekking and climbing expeditions. To be sure you’ll be amazed how great & the delicious meals are that our cooks serve.

Donkey driver and porters
They are integral team members of our field operations who make our trekking & climbing expeditions safe, healthy & successful.

Complete high quality camping and cooking equipment
We provide high quality tents including your personal sleeping tent multi- seasoned tents (3 season tent for trekking expeditions & 4 season for climbing expeditions), comfortable foam mattresses to help assure your protective rest (no thermal rest), kitchen & dining tent, toilet tents for our expeditions and complete full kitchen items, dining table, chairs and cooking utensils, comfortable foam mattresses to help assure your protective rest.

we provide private transportation during the day tours, for acclimatization hikes, for trekking & climbing circuits. Based on the number of clients in the group will determine the appropriate sized transportation of either a private minibus or van or automobile.

Fresh Food
We provide full of service while on acclimatization hikes, multi-day treks & climbing expeditions, we cater all fresh meals and will carefully pack and bring as much fresh meat, vegetables and fruits as we possibly can to accommodate our clients request. Which is the most important aspect that we focuses in our service are the meals that are prepared for you and we are frequently complimented by returning travelers about the food provided, ensuring that you stay healthy is one of our highest priorities. We provide you with 5 kinds hearty meals each day with high level of hygiene are engaged to ensure that our clients stay healthy and fit away from home. Our cooking staff are trained the preparation of a varied and balanced menu and there is of plenty of food, for those, who may like seconds. We are pleased to cater to our vegetarian clients upon request for anyone who has limited diet including those who are lactose, or gluten intolerant.

Health and hygiene
Our top priority is health and hygiene. During our treks & climb programs we provide to all our clients boiled water to drink in addition we provide alcohol in gel to hand washing solution before all meals. We take care with respect to our food preparation process using disinfectant while washing vegetables and fruits. To camping hygiene we always provide a toilet tent exclusively for our clients use while stay at camping spot.

When should I book?
To be certain you should make early arrangements as soon as possible about your selected trip. Because early confirmed or booking helps you to find other persons interested on same trip like you, find lower fares about domestic flights, International flights, bus tickets and for supreme summit adventures book your regional flights, buses tickets, hotels, transfers, bilingual guides.



If you are here, you are looking for a lifetime trip: we invite you to explore some of the awesome parts of this Peruvian country. Perfect to experience different outdoor pursuit like, climbing, trekking & mountaineering expeditions, cultural travel, day hikes.
$ 405

Pisco Climbing
03 Days - 02 Nights / Min 1 Pax

$ 1275

Ishinca Valley
07 Days - 06 Nights / Min 1 Pax

$ 1720

Alpamayo Climbing
07 Days - 06 Nights / Min 1 Pax

$ 365

Yanapaccha Climbing
02 Days - 01 Night / Min 1 Pax

Ir Arriba
Carretera - Huaraz - Churup - C.P - Llupa S/N - Huaraz - Ancash - Perú
+51 931 888334
WhatsApp +51 931888334
If you need any additional information, write us: info@andesadventureholidays.com

Razón Social: Andes Adventure Holidays E.I.R.L
RUC: 20612159549
Representante: Fredy Cayo Lliuya Lopez

Call Now

Fredy Lliuya Lopez
Mountain Guide - Tour Operator
© Copyright 2024, Andes Adventures Holidays - All rights reserved.
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